  • Pīkake Lei Paʻi Stick Set
  • Pīkake Lei Paʻi Stick Set

Pīkake Lei Paʻi Stick Set

  • $ 15.00
  • - $ -15.00

Sustainable items are beneficial to the 'āina, and we seek to honor our land by adding eco-friendly products to our line-up! Stir in some love for your next meal with 3 eco-friendly Bamboo mixing spoons or as many of us know them: Pa'i sticks. Each Pa'i stick features our unique, original Pīkake Lei design. Perfect as a small gift for the eco-warrior in your life or as stocking stuffers.

Pīkake n.1. The Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac), introduced from India, a shrub or climber, with rounded, dark-green leaves and small, white, very fragrant flowers used for leis. Since Princess Ka-ʻiu-lani was fond of both these flowers and her peacocks (pīkake), the same name was given the flowers. (Neal 680.) (as found in